Knock Knock…

Grow your voice. Use your voice. Listen to your voice.

That’s not so easy. There are countless hurdles like … I don’t yet have my voice (I hear others, not mine yet), my voice has a muddled message (not really clear guidance), my voice likes to contradict itself (“you can do it, but… there’s lots of reasons you can’t”). We could, and will, explore Growing your voice more because our voice can define who we are and what we accomplish. And then, even beyond developing our voice, do you Use your voice and do you Listen to it? All difficult concepts.

What does any of this have to do with a silly “knock knock” joke? Well, while we develop our “inside voice”, we also should be working on our “outside voice”. That voice we Use that others can hear. We need to Use our voice and understand that it can have impact - both supportive and detrimental.

Which brings me to my story. One day at practice, we decided to end the day having a player stand up and tell a joke. This is something that my dad did, he wanted to have a laugh—he always wanted to have a laugh with others—and give the players a chance to shine. I didn’t realize its merit until I tried it too. I offered it up to the players without any warning, “who wants to tell a joke?” And JH—one of my all-time favorite players to coach—said, “Coach, I’ve got a joke” and stood up. I wasn’t expecting anyone to be ready and willing. And now, an 8 year old eagerly wants to tell a joke - keep in mind, he’s old enough to know some jokes but jokes that could go in any direction. I had hope and trust tho, he’s a great kid from a great family, so I said let it rip.

I took a knee, joining the other players and coaches who had taken a knee, and gave JH center court. (We always take a knee—not lying down, not lounging back—if we’re not talking, to show respect and keep some semblance of order.)

He stood proudly and asked, “What did the zero say to the eight?” After a pause, timing it like a pro (the whole time, I’m not trying to answer the question - only thinking to myself, this doesn’t seem inappropriate, I think this is gonna be ok… fingers crossed).

JH answered, “Nice belt!” He smiled, we all laughed. Some got it, some didn’t and needed an explanation and even a drawing. But JH knew it and JH delivered it. And to this day, it is my favorite joke - it is smart, it is funny, it is sweet and more importantly than anything, reminds me of a moment where one player stood in front of his peers, took center stage, and Used his voice to bring a positive moment.

Whenever I can, I tried to have one player stand up and deliver a joke. Wanting them to feel that moment, how it can feel - the pressure of delivering and the ability to make others feel better. To put them on center stage. To end a practice on a high note. To bring another part of them to the team, a part that does not need to run fast or be physically strong, but is just as important. To push them to use their “outside voice”.

Use your “outside voice” and do so wisely - it may be what’s needed to help another stay on their Grit Path.


