FAQ - sports grit clinic

How many participants/group? 

Min 10 / Max 25 , lead by 2-3 group leaders depending on group size.

What is the schedule? 

For the Fall 2022 Block, all sessions will begin on Sunday, October 2nd and will run for 8 consecutive weeks, concluding on Sunday, November 20th (prior to Thanksgiving).

When are the courses for each group? 

Each class is one hour

Boys (3rd thru 5th grade) will start at 8:30 am

Boys (6th thru 8th grade) will start at 9:45 am

Girls (6th thru 8th grade) will start at 11:00 am 

Where are the courses being taught? 

The clinic is using facilities at Forest Road Elementary School in LaGrange Park (901 Forest Road, LaGrange Park).

What do the Athletes need to bring to the sessions? 

There will be some activities and running, so we suggest wearing gym shoes and weather appropriate attire. Bring a water bottle. 

What if an Athlete misses a class? 

This clinic is best experienced in real time with their group.  That being said, we will provide information describing that session’s lessons, either in writing or multimedia.  We are also available to answer any questions as well. 

What are accepted forms of payment?

We accept credit card, Venmo, cash or check, at the time of registration. 

What is the phone policy in session?

We ask participants to put their phones aside during session to minimize distraction. Parents will be provided Coaches contact information, as needed. 

What information do we need to provide about our child? 

Upon registration, the coaches will send out a brief questionnaire with information that will better prepare us to make this experience as beneficial as possible. We will also ask you to sign a standard waiver. 

How can I support my child during the course? 

Coaches are going to ask participants to complete daily tasks (simple practices not lasting longer than 10 minutes/day). We ask parents to not ask your child whether they have completed their daily tasks or to applaud them when they have. The tasks are intended to be independent in order to encourage each participant to autonomously achieve their goals and practice perseverance. 

If you have more questions, please contact us to discuss further.