Logos are pretty fun - insight into the company’s approach and sometimes even hidden meanings.  Not to be outdone by Toblerone and its hidden bear or Baskin Robbins and its 31, we built our own logo … the Grit Guide.  A logo that meant something.  A logo that not only looked cool, but also served as a teaching tool, a guide to help our Gritters.  Without further ado, here’s our logo (big thanks to BW for design and patient consultation - reach out if you want her contact info, she’s amazing)…

As you prepare for the big moment, whatever it may be, you use the Grit tools of our PRIME Ritual.  This is reflected in the upslope of the logo.  If you experience some setback … some departure from the plan … a divergence from your expectation, there is a slight dip.  With our Grit Coaching, we teach you how to minimize the dip and to speed the time of recovery.  At that point, you use the Grit tools of our RISE Ritual.  You then get right back up and RISE and get into PRIME all over again.  

That reads like some code, but it’s far from it.  With Grit Coaching, we help you manage your emotions to master your actions and if you have a setback, we help you rise up and engage.  

Why the circle?  Well, we think it helps bring the logo to life.  Appears to show someone in action.  And shows moving along the Grit Guide, always rising, never quitting.  

Oh, and what about the color selection, you may ask?  Well, we had a lot of slick options, but our Grit Guide uses green and blue to reflect land and water, where our Gritters compete and lay it on the line.  

Sorry Amazon, I know that you now need to go back to the drawing board on your logo.  We’ve set the bar high.  At least now though, we can refer you to a graphic designer to help you elevate your game.  Don’t be hard on yourself, use our RISE tools and engage.  You can do this, we believe in you!

Get Gritty!


